Monday, July 19, 2010

Help Each Other

In the second chapter of Genesis, Eve was created as a "suitable helper" for Adam. This is no small thing. Companionship and friendship and making love are all wonderful things. But what we are really here for is to help each other.

Yesterday morning, I was having a hard time waking up and getting out of bed. Because of my slow start, I did not fix breakfast, as is my usual practice on Sunday mornings before church. But Rueben did not miss a beat. When he saw I had not prepared breakfast for us, he took care of it! Afterwards, I washed the dishes. Yesterday evening, I helped some more by making a large batch of Buffalo wings--enough for us to eat for the next several days. And today, Rueben volunteered to talk to a friend of his on my behalf to help my music career.

I am Rueben's suitable helper, and he is mine. How have you helped your spouse today? If you struggle for the answer, not to worry. Just get right on that now. Think of some way to help, and act on it as soon as you can.

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